Free download MITCalc


This multi-language calculation package includes solutions for gearing, belt, chain, springs, beam
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12 votes
File size
51.2 MB
Release date
4 January 2012

Editor's review

This is a software package that offers engineering calculations for a whole range of areas.

MITCalc provides a set of engineering, industrial, and technical calculations. These are design calculations as well as check calculations that could be derived. The tool also guides you through the design of components. The full package with all the component modules offer design support for spur and bevel gear, belt and chain gear, bearings, beam, pins, buckling, shaft, springs, bolt connection, welding, shaft connection, tolerance analysis, tolerances and many others. These are supported by many material, comparison, and decision tables, including a system for the administration of resolved tasks. Both the metric and the imperial units of measurements are supported. Standards from different countries are supported. These include ANSI, ISO, DIN, BS, CSN and Japanese standards.

The system is built on Microsoft Excel and user-defined modifications and extensions can be implemented. There is no need for programming skills. Calculations can be cascaded to create a unique, tailor made and complex calculation. The tool can work with many well known 2D and 3D CAD systems such as AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, IntelliCAD, Ashlar Graphite, TurboCAD, etc. SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Autodesk Inventor are supported in MITCalc 3D. This enables design drawings to be developed easily and the dimensions used in the calculations. The interface may look a little overwhelming. But, engineering oriented people should find it intuitive. The details are many and thus you would need to spend some time familiarizing. This is a remarkable product. If you have the need, just go ahead and use it.

Publisher's description

MITCalc is a multi-language set of mechanical, industrial and technical calculations for the day-to-day routines. It will
reliably, precisely, and most of all quickly guide customer through the design of components, the solution of a
technical problem, or a calculation of an engineering point without any significant need for expert knowledge.
MITCalc contains both design and check calculations of many common tasks, such as: spur and bevel gear, belt
and chain gear, bearings, beam, pins, buckling, shaft, springs, bolt connection, welding, shaft connection, tolerance analysis, tolerances and many others. There are also many material, comparison, and decision tables, including a system for the administration of resolved tasks. The calculations support both Imperial and Metric units and are processed according to ANSI, ISO, DIN, BS, CSN and Japanese standards.It is an open system designed in Microsoft Excel which allows not only easy user-defined modifications and user extensions without any programming skills, but also mutual interconnection of the calculations, which is unique in the development of tailor-made complex calculations. The sophisticated interaction with many 2D CAD systems (AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, IntelliCAD, Ashlar Graphite, TurboCAD) allows the relevant drawing to be developed in a few seconds (3D CAD systems, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Autodesk Inventor are supported in MITCalc 3D). OEM licensing of selected calculations or the complete product is available as well.
Version 1.60
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